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Radium (was: Fernald Leak)
Help! I've done something wrong here:
(roughly) 20,000,000 lb x 500 g/lb = 10 x 10^9 g ?
4.5 x 10^9 uCi / 10 x 10^9 g = .45 uCi/g ? lower than dirt?
Tailings should be higher? Why is this Ra being recovered?
Regards, Jim Muckerheide
> Sandy Perle forwarded a news item to the list that contained the
> following:
> > The project is attempting to recover 4,500 grams of radium (slightly
> > less than 10 pounds) from 10,000 tons of nuclear waste at the plant.
> > Fernald, located 18 miles northwest of Cincinnati, has the largest-
> > known supply of radium in the world.
> How much radium is at Fernald, and is there an industrial or medical use
> for that much radium?
> Rick
> |~~~~\ /~\ |~~~~\ |~| /~\ |~\_|~||~~~~~| Richard G. Strickert, Ph.D.
> | [> / / _ \ | D || | / _ \ | \ \ || | POBox 201088, Austin, TX 78720
> |_||_\/_| |_\|____/ |_|/_| |_\|_|\__|| | (512)310-5259 FAX (512)244-0160
> -------------------------------------| LLC | Internet:rick_strickert@radian.com
> I N T E R N A T I O N A L|_____| ---> "All written IMHO." <---