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Re: Dosimetry Services

>months.  I realize that they moved from Illinois to California, thus
have to train new staff, but their technical staff have been unable to
tell me if and when my badges even shipped. <

I am responding to the following post, and this is in no way 
"advertising."  To anser Joe's question, yes, there have been delays, 
and asdditional staff has been added to overcome the untimely 
shipments of dosimeters. Unfortunately, some hardware, software 
glitches caused additional hardships, and add the holidays (which 
many of us still worked) caused further delays. Over 95% of the 
dosimeters were sent to customers within their desired time frame. 
Some unfortunately did not. We are working on that.

Joe mentioned that the technical staff could not anseer the 
questions. The individuals spoken to are not from my staff, technical 
operations, but customer service. They sometimes do not have the 
inmormation readily available. However, the following individuals can 
find out the specifics and let you know. In the future, if this 
problem arises, call the following individuals at (800) 251-3331:

Jay Sklarew, Director Customer Services or
Nancy Ronquillo, Supervisor Customer Services.

If all else fails, call me directly. While I don't manage the 
assembly and shipment area, I can obviously get the info you need.

Again, I am not advertising, only providing info to a posting made by 
a forum member.

Sandy Perle
Director, Technical Operations
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2306 
Fax: (714) 668-3149

E-Mail: sandyfl@ix.netcom.com    

Personal Homepages:
