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Re: Blatant refusal to "follow" procedures
At 11:39 01/03/97 -0600, you wrote:
>> From: "CAPT J. A. Thomas" <jathomas@radlinux1.usuf1.usuhs.mil>
>> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
>> Subject: Re: Blatant refusal to "follow" procedures
>> I think that the point is being missed. I do not disagree that there is a
>> discrepancy wrt "who" did the work. The key point is that the Board
>> Certified Physicist signed the calibration report and therefore took
>> complete responsibility for all of the work performed by Frank. ....
> I may have not made myself clear.
> 1/ Yes, the Board Certified Physicist is accepting responsibility
> for determining the accuracy of my work. But...
> 2/ said physicist can NOT delegate the gopher-level work of
> performing the calibration, (setting up the block, doing the
> exposure, etc.) to anyone not board-certified.
If the "said physicist" was delegating the calibration responsibilities
... e.g. system set up, measurement recording and results calculation, the
BCP was not doing a responsible job.
This may get the hair on the back side of some heads to stand up. But,
the practice of medical physics is GREATER than just evaluating the
results. It includes actually making the measurement, calculating the
results and then generating a meaningful report. Unfortunately, there are
some MPs that think their role in life is to interpret data rather than
acquire it.
... nuff said.
CAPT Jerry A. Thomas, MSC, USN
Chief Radiological Physics
Department of Radiology/Nuclear Medicine
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
4301 Jones Bridge Road
Bethesda, MD 20814-4799
Phone: (301) 295-3246
Fax: (301) 295-3893
Homepage: http://radlinux1.usuf1.usuhs.mil/rad/