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Training in radiation protection

     Could anybody give me the names and contact points of companies that 
     are involved in training in radiation protection both in the nuclear 
     industry and/or in hospitals.
     I'm also interested in companies who may be based outside the USA.
     | H    H  MM     MM  L      | Gary H. Kramer                         | 
     | H    H  M M   M M  L      | Head, Human Monitoring Laboratory      | 
     | HHHHHH  M  M M  M  L      | Canadian National Calibration Reference| 
     | H    H  M   M   M  L      | Centre for In-Vivo Monitoring          | 
     | H    H  M       M  LLLLLL | 775 Brookfield Road, Ottawa, Ontario   | 
     |---------------------------| CANADA K1A 1C1 Tel: 613 954 6668       |
     | Gary_H_Kramer@inet.hwc.ca | Fax 613 957 1089                       | 
     |      http://www.hwc.ca/dataehd/English/rpb/environ/index.htm       |