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"gulf war whitewash"

I received the following information from our internet search folks and 
thought the Radsafe community might be interested ---

paul charp (pac4@atsdto1.em.cdc.gov)

Depleted Uranium Education Project
A Project of the International Action Center
    39 W. 14th St. #206, NY, NY 10011, Ph:(212) 633-6646, Fx: (212) 633-2889
email: iacenter@iacenter.org
Founded by Ramsey Clark

Frank Alexander and Sara Flounders

(212) 633-6646
January 9, 1997

A Whitewash by The Presidential "Advisory" Committee  Begin an Independent 
Investigation of Gulf War Syndrome  Investigate Pentagon Use of Depleted 
Uranium Weapons In Gulf

The report released on Monday January 7th from Clinton's "blue-ribbon" 
presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veteran's Illnesses was one more 
attempt in a long series of manuevers by the White House and the Pentagon to 
further confuse the general public concerning the events of the Gulf War and 
the causes of Gulf War Syndrome.  The vague references and incomplete 
findings of the committee simply obscure the crucial issues at hand.  This 
panel has done nothing to alleviate the suffering of tens of thousands of 
GIs here in the US. There have been no comprehensive medical examinations or 
medical care.

The Gulf War has been over for nearly six years. The time for an advisory 
panel is over. The International Action Center, founded by former Attorney 
General Ramsey Clark, demands that a full scientific investigation be 
launched to uncover the real causes of Gulf War Syndrome.  An independent 
investigation into the Pentagon's use of Depleted Uranium weapons during the 
Gulf War, the connection of DU weapons to Gulf War Syndrome and a complete 
examination of the outbreak of rare diseases among the population in the 
Persian Gulf is needed.

The reports from the Gulf region on the indiscriminate use of Depleted 
Uranium weapons on civilian and military facilities, the unprotected 
destruction of an Iraqi nuclear reactor at Tuwaitha (10 kilometers south of 
Baghdad), the use of untested vaccines on GIs, the bombing of chemical 
weapons bunkers, the "loss" of military logs concerning chemical exposure, 
and the ensuing cover-up by the Pentagon demonstrate the callous and 
criminal acts of the United States military in its handling of the entire 
Gulf War.  These acts are violations of international law including the UN 
Charter, the Geneva Conventions and their Protocols Additional of 1977.

The US Army Environmental Policy Institute Report of June 1995 shows clearly 
that the US military is well aware of the drastic risks associated with the 
use of DU weapons. The Pentagon fears a full investigation into the effects 
of these weapons. "When DU  is indicted as a causative agent for Desert 
Storm illness, the Army must have sufficient data to separate fiction from 
reality.  Without forethought and data, financial implications of long-term 
disability payments and health-care costs would be excessive."(U.S. AEPI 
Report 1994)

The Pentagon & the CIA must no longer be permitted to conduct their own 
investigations into this life-threatening situation caused by the Gulf War. 
 An independent investigation must begin immediately to completely examine 
all potential causes of Gulf War Syndrome including the indiscriminate use 
of highly toxic, radioactive DU weapons.

This information was released on the NukeNet Anti-Nuclear Network
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