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Re: Envirocare - latest information

Ron L. Kathren wrote:
> I take some small comfort in the fact that Mr. Anderson is neither a member
> of the Health Physics Society nor of the American Academy of Health Physics.
The real question is one for the CRCPD.  Presumably Mr. Anderson was
(is?) a CRCPD member.  Does the CRCPD have a code of ethics?  Should
it?  Any CRCPD members out there with information/opinions on this
matter?  The CRCPD is the Conference of Radiation Control Program
Directors in the United States.  CRCPD's Mission:  A Partnership
Dedicated to Radiation Protection.  The CRCPD is a nonprofit
organization made up of individuals in state and local government who
regulate and control the use of radiation sources, and of individuals,
regardless of employer affiliation, who have expressed an interest in
radiation protection.  CRCPD was formed in 1968.  

The objectives and purposes of the organization are:  to promote
radiological health in all aspects and phases, to encourage and promote
cooperative enrforcement programs with federal agencies and between
related enforcement agencies within each state, to encourage the
interchange of experisnce among radiation control programs, to collect
and make accessible to the membership of the CRCPD such information and
data as might be of assistance to them in the proper fulfillment of
their duties, to promote and foster uniformity of radiation coltrol laws
and regulation, to encourage and support programs which will contribute
to radiation control for all, to assist the membership in their
technical work and development, and to exercise leadership with
radiation control professionals and consumers in radiation control
development and action.  The above words were copied from the January,
1995 Directory of Personnel Responsible for Radiological Health
Programs, CRCPD Publication 95-1.  The CRCPD Secretary can be reached at
205 Capital Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601, phone: 502-227-4543.  Al Tschaeche