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- To: Radsafe <radsafe@ROMULUS.ehs.uiuc.edu> (Return requested)
- Subject: Dosimetry
- From: "Caines, Gary (GA44)" <Gary.Caines@IAC.honeywell.com>
- Date: 14 Jan 1997 15:17:37 -0600
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- X400-Mts-Identifier: [/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/; 00E1B32DBF7F10C1-HW-MTA-AZ]
- X400-Originator: Gary.Caines@IAC.honeywell.com
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I am currently having major problems with our current dosimetry provider
(unnamed) supplying TLDs in a timely manner, sending out reports in a timely
manner and keeping the invoicing correct. I have the names of many
alternate providers and experience with some of these. However, if anyone
in the Radsafe Community has had exemplary service from a U.S. dosimetry
provider, I would appreciate a referral.
I will sincerely appreciate any help.
Gary Caines,
Radiological Operations Manager,
Honeywell, Inc. IAC Div.