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Re: PWR Core Barrel Dose Rates?
As fate would have it, I was at a company Health Physics symposium
yesterday and I saw an article on Bryon's removel of the core barrel.
If I remember right, the dose rates were 27,000 R/hr at 6 to 8 feet.
Try giving Byron a call. The Lead RP Supervisor is Kurt Repass (815)
234-5441 x 4164.
Harry Anagnostopoulos
Dresden Station
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: PWR Core Barrel Dose Rates?
Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at INTERNET
Date: 1/15/97 1:24 PM
For PWRs:
Harris Nuclear Plant is preparing for its 10-y ISI and would appreciate any
information you may have on core barrel/lower internals dose rates. Data
taken in the vicinity of the thermal shields would be particularly helpful.
If you have any information to share please get it to me by phone, fax or
E-mail at the numbers/address below.
phone 919-362-2998
fax 919-362-2307
I am not a spokesperson for CP&L.