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Highly recommend reading a recent letter to the editor of the Risk
Analysis journal by Bruce Ames that was recently identified on this
bulletin board. According to Ames, et. al., in Risk
Analysis, Vol. 16, No. 5, 1996, "The major causes of cancer are
smoking, dietary imbalances, chronic infections leading to chronic
inflammation, and hormones. ... The age-adjusted cancer death rate in
the U.S. for all cancers combined has declined 14% since 1950
(excluding lung cancer, 90% of which is attributable to smoking),
while life expectancy has increased, which may in part be due to
better diet. ... The idea that there is an epidemic of human cancer
caused by synthetic industrial chemicals is not supported by either
toxicology or epidemiology." Ames concludes with "...regulatory
policy aimed at reducing tiny exposures to synthetic rodent
carcinogens has confused the public about what factors are important
for preventing cancer, and has diverted enormous resources from more
important health risks."
Routine disclaimers apply...
Randall Brich
USDOE, Richland Operations
e-mail: randall_f_brich@rl.gov