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REVISED International Dosimetry Symposium Announcement

     TLD Dosimetry -- Where it's Been and Where it's Going
     The 16th Annual Panasonic International Dosimetry Symposium will be 
     held June 1-6, 1997 at the Sheraton Hotel, Myrtle Beach, SC.  The 
     meeting location is on the beach, minutes from the Myrtle Beach 
     A number of very special events and presentations are being planned.  
     Some subject areas for presentations include:
     Standards (recently issued, forthcoming standards, implementation 
     experiences, etc.)
     DOELAP (internal, external, & extremity standards; integration with 10 
     CFR 835, etc.)
     NVLAP (current status)
     Cyberspace Dosimetry
     Developing Technology
     Recordkeeping, access control, handshake software, data security, 
     issues in maintaining large records repositories, etc.
     Quality Assurance/Quality Control/Calibration 
     "Back to Basics" - (Why we do what we do)
     Operational Issues (Murphy's Law is Alive and Well) 
     Litigation experience
     Global Dosimetry (International topics)
     Presentations are solicited for these and other topics related to 
     external and/or environmental dosimetry, particularly related to 
     Panasonic technology.  Accepted manuscripts will be published in the 
     Symposium Proceedings.
     There will be a modest registration fee to help defray Symposium 
     For more information, contact either:
     Dave Katzman
     Panasonic Industrial Co.
     TLD Department
     Two Panasonic Way
     Secaucus, NJ 07094
     Phone: (201) 348-5339
     Fax: (201) 392-4315
     or Symposium Chairperson:
     Bruce Dicey
     US Air Force Dosimetry
     Phone: (210) 536-5569
     Fax: (210) 536-5368