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Re: Old Activity Units?

As an old timer, I would suspect that MC is actually written in lower case
(ie mc) and means millicurie; the ancient abbreviation for curie was c
before it was changed to Ci to avoid confusion with the symbol for the speed
of light.

Ron Kathren

>We recently "found" an old set of beta reference sources with activity
>units which I do not quite understand.  The date on the set is
>November 1958.  The set contains:
>   Bi-210   1.07 X 10^-5 MC
>   C-14     14.3 X 10^-5 MC
>   Pa-234   1.00 X 10^-5 MC
>Any help identifying these units would be greatly appreciated.  Please 
>reply to me directly.
>Tracy N. Tipping                                Work: (913) 532-2668
>Laboratory Safety Officer                       FAX:  (913) 532-6806
>James R. Macdonald Laboratory                   Home: (913) 539-1378
>116 Cardwell Hall                               Amateur Radio: N0OEY
>Kansas State University                         tipping@phys.ksu.edu
>Manhattan, KS 66506-2604            http://www.phys.ksu.edu/~tipping