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Re: Request for Information
The items in these categories are generally industrial level
and density gauging devices. Primary isotopes are Cs-137 (~30 yr 1/2
life) and Co-60 (~5 yr 1/2 life). Source activity covers a wide
range, with the more problematic sources being 100 mCi to 5 Ci
(predominantly 200-500 mCi).
The teletherapy sources mentioned by Alden Tschaeche form a very
rare case (though obviously much more hazardous) than these gauges.
The NRC just recently published a report dealing with this issue
(e.g., sources being melted down in the steel recycling process) that
should have more detailed information.
NOTE: The terms "density and level" gauges is pretty self-
explanitory. They monitor the density of material being processed or
the level of material in a container. Source on one side and the
detector on the other side of the conveyer/container.
> Date sent: Fri, 24 Jan 97 09:14:36 -0600
> Send reply to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> From: "K. K. S. Pillay" <s_pillay@lanl.gov>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Subject: Request for Information
> Fellow Radsafers:
> I have a request from Singapore to identify items that might contain
> radiaoctive materials and likely to end up in scrap metal. The following
> is the actula message. I can think of a few like smoke dtectors. But, I
> don't know of a comprehensive list of such items. If you have information,
> please forward it to me at:
> s_pillay@lanl.gov
> Thank you.
> Sam
> =======
> Dear S. Pillay:
> We are a steel manufacturer in Singapore. We are currently doing a
> reasearch on radioactive materials in the recycled scraps. These
> radioactive are always found in sensors,gauges and some measuring
> instruments. We would like to find out details about products utilising
> radioactive source.
> 1. Is there any of the porducts incorporate radioactive source?
> if any, please specify.
> 2. What are their associated life spans?
> 3. What are the annual production in last twenty years or (1983 onwards)?
> Dr. K. K. S. Pillay
> Nuclear Materials Technology Division
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> Los Alamos, NM 87545 (USA)
> Tel: (505)667-2556
> Fax: (505)667-7966
> e-mail: s_pillay@lanl.gov
Wesley M. Dunn, CHP 512-834-6688
Deputy Director, Licensing 512-834-6690 (fax)
(Texas) Bureau of Radiation Control wdunn@brc1.tdh.state.tx.us