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Re: I-125

     On 1/28/97 Larry R. Sanders wrote, in part:
     >Can anyone tell me where the 300 dpm limit for releasing of I-125 
     >contaminated material came from, or the basis for this limit? It 
     seems I-125 and I-129 require the same release limit as Ra-226, 
     >Ra-228, Th-230, Th-228, Pa231, and Ac-227. Other isotopes from Iodine 
     >have a significantly higher release limit.  
     Larry, you've opened up an old can of worms with this one.  Every 
     release limit table I've ever seen, from USNRC, USDOE, or agreement 
     state, has the same limit for I-125.  Yet no one seems to know why.
     Carl Bergsagel
     Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center