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3 ComEd plants on NRC watch list
CHICAGO, Jan. 29 -- The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Wednesday placed three ComEd nuclear power stations on its latest
watchlist of plants warranting increased scrutiny.
The Dresden Power Station near Morris, Zion, 40 miles north of
Chicago, and the LaSalle plant near Ottawa are on the list -- LaSalle
for the first time.
Dresden Units 2 and 3 have been on the list since January 1992 and
Zion was removed from the list in January 1993 after two years.
The NRC also sent a warning letter to Illinois Power for performance
problems at its Clinton Nuclear Power Station near Clinton, Ill.,
and to Wisconsin Electric's Point Beach plant near Manitowoc, Wis.
At a Chicago news conference, ComEd announced plans to improve
performance at its nuclear generating plants and cited a number of
operational improvements at Dresden. The utility says it will increase
its nuclear operating and maintenance budget 11 percent in 1997.
Retired Admiral Bruce Demars, the company's newest board member, will
monitor improvement. DeMars headed the Navy's nuclear power program.
ComEd Chairman and Chief Executive Officer James O'Connor said, ``We
recognize that the NRC expects and insists on the highest standards of
performance for all utilities. ComEd's highest priority continues to
be the safe and successful operation of all six of our plants.''
ComEd provides electrical service to 3.4 million customers in
northern Illinois.
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
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