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- To: Radsafe <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu> (Return requested)
- From: "Caines, Gary" <Gary.Caines@IAC.honeywell.com>
- Date: 06 Feb 1997 23:58:58 -0600
- Alternate-Recipient: Allowed
- Cc: "sandyfl@ix.netcom.com" <sandyfl@IX.NETCOM.COM> (Return requested)
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- X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 ( 22 )
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- X400-Originator: Gary.Caines@IAC.honeywell.com
- X400-Received: by mta HW-MTA-AZ in /c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/; converted ( IA5-Text); Relayed; 06 Feb 1997 23:58:58 -0600
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You said:
I want to make this very clear that I am writing this, and am speaking
entirely on my own, as a member of Radsafe, NOT as an employee of
ICN. This posting has to do with the essence of what Radsafe is all
about. It has always been my impression that Radsafe was a forum, a
place for professionals interested or involved in health physics.....
I must say that whoever wrote the letter to you is not a professional as I
truly believe you are, and does not understand the purpose of Radsafe. I
also think the person must not know where the delete key is on a keyboard.
Some of the postings you make to Radsafe are not directly applicable to
me, as I'm not in the nuclear power industry. However, many of your
postings have helped me and are greatly appreciated and most of the others
make interesting reading and have been very educational. Without
contributors like you, Radsafe will cease to be an asset to our field. The
world is filled with all kinds of people. Please don't let one malcontented
individual sway you from posting on Radsafe. I believe the vast majority of
Radsafers appreciate what you have been doing. I also really don't
understand how the author of the letter could also blame ICN. It's common
knowledge that you work for ICN but you have been very careful to keep your
postings on a private level and not a commercial one. I find it interesting
that the anonymous author mailed you the letter instead of posting to
Radsafe. This is because his posting would have been flamed by most other
Radsafers. Please keep up the good work!
As always, these comments are mine alone.
Gary Caines,
Radiological Operations Manager,
Honeywell, Inc. IAC