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Re: The Latest on Low Doses....
Here's a quote from the latest Bulletin of the Canadian Radiation
Protection Association. (Vol 18 Number 1 January 1997, page 6)
(Editorial by Chris Pomroy:)
"A report in Nucleonics Week for 14 November 1996, reviews the latest
RERF data which covers the period 1985-1990, and shows a cancer risk at
doses as low as 50 mSv. This is viewed by the ICRP as vindicating the
position taken in ICRP 60. The French Academy of Sciences, which had
been critical of the ICRP position, has now agreed to revise its views,
while retaining the opinion that dises much lower than 50 mSv may be
harmless. Obviously the scientific argument is still very much alive,
but for the purpose of dose limits, conservatism has been shown to be the
safe approach."
Can any of our resident experts (who, for one thing, may have access to
these documents) provide any response (either in agreement or opposition)
to this conclusion?
Chris Davey
RSO Cross Cancer Institute 11560 University Avenue
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 1Z2
(403)432-8616 fax 432-8615 email cdavey@med.phys.ualberta.ca