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'97 Midyear Proceedings

Dear Radsafers,

This information might be useful to those who did not have the chance to
attend the 30th HPS Midyear meeting in San Jose. The meeting subject was
"Health Physics of Radiation Generating Machines". Out of 84 papers
presented during the three days of the meeting, 74 were included in the
542 page  Proceedings. I believe this document will become  a valuable
reference to those concerned with accelerator and medical health physics,
design of safety systems or shielding, operational and other aspect of
radiation generating machines.  A few copies or the Proceedings are
still available and can be purchased for $50 from the HPS Secretariat. If
interested, make your checks payable to the HPS and send your order to

Health Physics Society
1313 Doley Madison Boulevard
Suite 402
McLean, VA 22101

If you are tempted but not sure whether the contents of the above
Proceedings is for you, please consult the '97 midyear program published
in the September 1996 issue of the HPS Newsletter. You may also download
the program by anonymous ftp from ftp.slac.stanford.edu. The directory
/users/vylet contain the program in PostScript, simple ASCII text and MS
Word format; the respective files are midprog.ps, midprog.txt and
I think that this message is of general interest to the Health Physics
community and I hope not to be flamed for commercialism (I have absolutely
no financial interest in this, besides wishing HPS to prosper).

Vashek Vylet
Radiation Physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
phone: (415)926-2048               fax: (415)926-3569
e-mail: vylet@slac.stanford.edu