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RE: Meetings List?

Marie: try looking in recent issues of Health Physics, our journal.  There 
is a list of meetings therein. I'd also suggest looking in like journals.

-- Roger W. Broseus, CHP, Ph.D.
   Executive Secretary,  Radiation Safety Committee, NIH
   301-496-2253     EMail: RogerB@nih.gov

From: 	Marie Kelly[SMTP:marie@rpii.ie]
Sent: 	Thursday, February 20, 1997 9:08AM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	Meetings List?

I am looking for a list of conferences/meetings/seminars on radiological
protection, nuclear related topics.

Any inforamtion should be sent directly to me at marie@rpii.ie

Many thanks.

Marie Kelly