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Re: Radiation Placard, Magnetic

Two vendors to try: 
Seton Identification Products:  1-800-243-6624 
Labelmaster:  1-800-621-5808 
The opinions expressed are strictly mine. 
Here's to a risk free world, and other fantasies. 
Bill Lipton 

                   Ohio University Electronic Communication

Date:  03-Apr-1997 11:10am EST

  To:  Remote Addressee                     ( _MX%"radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu" )

From:  Leroy Scribner                           Dept:  Environmental Health and Safety
       SCRIBNER                                 Tel No:  614-593-1666

Subj:  Radiation Placard, Magnetic

    Does anyone know a contact number to obtain a magnetic placards for 
    The permanent placards were ripped off by whomever.
    Thanks in advance, have a safe day.

Received:  03-Apr-1997 02:35pm