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RE: NRC to Regulate X-Ray?


Could you please send me a copy of this NRC letter.


Ashok Dhar
Mallinckrodt Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Fax: 314-895-8435

>From: 	Rad. Health Unit[SMTP:raldrich@emi.com]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, April 08, 1997 12:43 PM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	NRC to Regulate X-Ray?
>NRC has decided to ignore the recommendations of the National Academy of 
>Sciences Institute of Medicine Report (the fact that NRC commissioned the
>notwithstanding). In fact, the Commission "would be willing to consider
>broader regulatory responsibilities for higher risk activities involving
>sources of ionizing radiation" (watch out x-ray and accelerator users, here
>This is from a March 20, 1997 NRC Staff Requirements memorandum to the
>Director for Operations. If anyone would like a copy, please fax or e-mail us
>your mailing address. (Sorry, only hard copies available.)
>Rita Aldrich               	"Rad. Health Unit"<raldrich@emi.com>
>Principal Radiophysicist        voice:    518-457-1202
>NYS Dept. of Labor            	fax: 518-457-5545
>Radiological Health Unit      
>Blg. 12, Rm 457
>State Office Campus
>Albany, NY 12240