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I just received the following e mail from Brasilia, perhaps she can get any
help from Radsafers. Please contact her directly. Thanks for the attention
J. J. Rozental <josrozen@netmedia.net.il>
Dear Rozental,
To develop my research work at the University of Brasilia, in the area of U-Pb
Geochronology Methodology, using mass spectrometer, I need ~2 microg of
205-Pb, lead artificial isotope. 205-Pb is a synthetic isotope of great
utility in U-Pb Geochronology. The production path utilizes an enriched
(99.6%) 206-Pb target and
optimizes (p,2n) reactions to form 205-Bi which decays with a 15.3 day
half-life to 205-Pb. The 205-Pb isotope is produced by 24-27 Mev proton
irradiation using cyclotron facilities, using a proton current of ~130 microA.
Do you know who can help me to obtain that radionuclide?
Ieda Gomes Nicoli
Setor de Radioprotecao CNEN
SCN 4, Bl B, 6 andar, s/602.
Centro Empresarial VARIG
CEP - 70710-500 Brasilia, DF
Phone: 61 327 3505
Fax: 55 61 327 2228
Home Phone/Fax: 55 61 345 7953
e mail <mundim@brnet.com.br>