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Re[2]: skin contamination to skin dose assessment
Here is a question and a little data calculated by Varskin2.
This question is related to GM instrument response. Each decay may
yield one or more beta particles. Would the GM response
characteristics of the GM count all of them as one pulse/avalanche? I
would think that any delayed emissions from a decay would have to be
substantial to fall outside of the typical 50-100 microsecond dead
time. Any thoughts?...
Does it not seem unlikely, from a kinetics/electrical field repulsion
point of view, that all of the betas from a single decay would all be
emitted in the same direction? A random distribution of
betas/energies striking the GM at any one instant would create a
randomly changing detector efficiency. I wouldn't go so far as to say
that it would produce a noticeable effect by someone using a GM in the
field, but it is just an interesting theoretical observation just the
same. Any thoughts?...
Here is some data compiled from a few varskin runs. These are typical
contributors in a nuclear power plant setting and you can see that
there can be a significant difference in the actual dose factors. We
have the facilities to perform isotopic analysis easily and the mix of
these contributors can vary greatly, so isotopic-specific dose factors
are the rule. The cases use a 1 microCi-hr point source on the skin:
Gamma Beta
(mrem) (mrem)
Co-60 185 3700
Fe-59 96 3890
Zr-95 88 4010
Sb-125 85 2400
Co-58 122 137
Nb-95 88 797
Ag-110m 269 1450
Sb-124 170 4950
Hf-181 67 11100
If isotopic analysis isn't really an option for some smaller
facilities, then I would certainly think you could come up with some
rules of thumb that take instrument response and varskin-generated
dose factors into account.
Sincerely and looking forward to feedback,
Glen Vickers
HP, Nuclear Power
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: skin contamination to skin dose assessment
Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at INTERNET
Date: 4/9/97 11:07 AM
At 10:23 AM 4/9/97 -0500, you wrote:
>with the exception of the case of a zero thickness source on bare skin
>(absorber thickness = 7 mg/cm^2), where 7 +/- 20% only bounds this curve
>up to a maximum beta energy of 750 keV or so. For a zero-thickness source
>on bare skin, the skin dose rate per micro-curie per cm^2 is bounded
>between 8.5 and 9.2 for maximum beta energies between 750 keV and 3 MeV
>(according to Healy).
This is a good rule of thumb for determining skin dose once the identities
of the isotopes in the contamination are known. But that's the hard part.
Operationally, determining the isotopes in the contamination can be very
difficult, from obtaining a truly representative sample for analysis to
dealing with isotopes that cannot be detected by gamma spectrum analysis
(Sr-89, Sr/Y-90, et al.).
The detection efficiency of the standard frisker (15.5 cm2 thin window GM
tube in all its many configurations) changes with beta energy in a way that
looks like a GM plateau curve: basically, detection increases as beta
energy increases up to the point where almost every beta emitted within the
solid angle defined by the source and the detector is detected, hence the
The skin dose rate per uCi also exhibits this same plateau curve versus
beta energy (I have my own ideas why this happens, but I'd love to hear
some opinions). As a result, it so happens that the standard 2 inch
diameter frisker (15.5 cm2 detector surface area) is an almost energy
independent skin dose rate meter. One can simply use any matched pair of
detection efficieny and dose rate factor for a given isotope and calculate
an accurate dose rate, without knowing the actual isotopes present.
For example, let's look at a frisker survey of 10,000 cpm from
contamination on the skin. If we use (without benefit of analysis) the
detection efficiency for Co-60 (10%) and the dose factor for Co-60 (4.1
rad/h/uCi), the dose rate calculates to about 185 mrad/h (10,000 cpm =
0.045 uCi). But suppose the contamination was all really Rh-106, max beta
energy about 3.6 MeV, with a dose rate per uCi over double that of Co-60
(9.4 rad/h/uCi). Well, using the detection efficiency for a hard beta beta
like Rh-106 (25%), one gets 10,000 cpm/0.25 = 0.018 uCi, times 9,400
mrad/h/uCi, yielding 171 mrad/h. I'll accept the difference between 185 and
171 rather than try to do isotope identification any day.
If one does this calculation for a variety of isotopes from the Co-60
energy to the Rh-106 neighborhood, one gets about 175 mrad/h/10,000 frisker
cpm +/- 5%, which ain't bad for a hand held survey instrument!
Bob Flood
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
(415) 926-3793 bflood@slac.stanford.edu
Unless otherwise noted, all opinions are mine alone.