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Re: Remote Communications
We have been using several systems from Rolcom Inc, for the past 4 years ,
and we are very satisfy with the systems. Their phone is 847-692-9377 and
the contact person is Roland Werfel.
At 06:47 AM 4/18/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi All!
>The ALARA section at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station is investigating
>the possible acquisition of Remote Communication Equipment, primarily
>for Steam Generator Use.
> Could anybody please provide information on what equipment is
>available, especially wire-less/cordless types, your experience with
>the equipment, and names/addresses of suppliers.
>Thank you very much
>Tertius Karsten
>Koeberg Nuclear Power Station
>Tel:Int'+2721 5504624
>Fax: Int'+2721 5504640