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Baltimore-Washington HPS Chapter Meeting Announcement

   The following is an announcement for the next meeting of the Baltimore- 
   Washington Chapter of the Health Physics Society.  If you are in the 
   Washington D.C. area, or will be on May 6, please come by! 
                          MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT
                         Annual Business Meeting
   Date:       May 6, 1997 (Tuesday)
   Location:   Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
               Cafeteria and Auditorium, "B" Building
               National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland
   Speaker:    Donald Thayer, Ph.D.
               USDA Agriculture Research Service
               As a result of recent incidents involving deaths from 
               E-coli contamination, there is a renewed interest in food
               irradiation as a means to improve the safety, quality, and   
               shelf life of poultry and red meat.  Dr. Thayer is 
               performing basic and applied research to determine the 
               radiation doses required to assure sterilization of food
               products in the marketplace.  He will discuss current 
               research topics in this area and will present information 
               regarding the acceptance of irradiated food in the United 
               In addition Billy Mills will discuss updating the Society's
               position paper on food irradiation
   Annual Business Meeting:  Prior to Dr. Thayer's talk, the annual 
               business meeting will be held.  The newly elected chapter 
               officers will be introduced, followed by a short discussion
               of the Chapter's goals for the 1997-98 year.
   Time:       6:00 - 7:00 p.m.        Social Hour (Cash Bar)
               7:00 - 8:00 p.m.        Buffet Dinner (Cost is $15.00)
                                           Pizza, salad and desert
               8:00 p.m.               Speaker
   Reservations: Call the Chapter telephone, (301) 949-4178 and leave your 
   name and telephone number.  Please speak slowly and distinctly so that 
   we can type the reservation list from the recording.  Reservation 
   cut-off is noon Wednesday May 5.  Cancellations must be received at 
   least 24 hours prior to the dinner or you may be required to pay for the 
   meal.  Indicate if you need directions to USUHS.
   Don Thayer is the Research Leader for the Food Safety Research Unit at 
   the Eastern Regional Research Center in Wynddmoor, PA.  He received his 
   doctorate from Colorado State University in the areas of Microbiology, 
   Radiation Biology, and Chemistry.  He is a Fellow in the American 
   Academy of Microbiology.  
   Posted by:
   Stuart M. Altman
   U.S. Department of Energy
   Office of Defense Programs