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Re: Dosimetry Service

To all who read this letter from Bob Carlson. Bob was just terminated 
from ICN .. for reasons that are not needed to be aired. I am not 
sure why Bob is taking this unprofessional action, because I had 
always thought Bob to be above board, ethical and a decent person. 

We at ICN would appreciate the opportunity to talk to any of you who 
are privy to any of Bob's communications, so that we may rebut or 
provide information and/or documentation to refute or clarify any 
points this terminated employee brings forward.

This is very unfortunate that Bob brings his termination to Radsafe.

> Attention current and potential customers of ICN Dosimetry Service and
> especially former customers of Siemens Gammasonics.  I have some
> information about ICN that you NEED to know before they do to you what
> they did to me.  
> Respond by private e-mail rather than in this forum.
> ========================================================================
>  E-Mail: 	carlson@en.com

Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
3300 Hyland Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(800) 548-5100 x2306
(714) 668-3149 Fax
