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Re: Saturn Probe Pu Power?
If the person asking the question is reasonably astute and willing to
reread the posting critically and see what is ACTUALLY being said - I'd
proceed as follows:
FIRST: explain to that person what LNT is and that this is the premise that
these comments are being made according to and that LNT is currently under
Next point out some of the math and the very carefully crafted wordings:
Note the use of the word "COULD" This COULD cause cancer or COULD be
responsible for SOME of the EXCESS cancers. Under the LNT there is ALWAYS
a COULD - even if the probability is something like 10^-100!! In their use
of LNT that is STILL a COULD.
Do the math on the "1 microgram can cause cancer and if evenly distributed
1 pound of Pu could give everyone cancer". That is 454 million doses! SO
- evenly distributed means evenly dosed to each and every person on earth!
If evenly distributed over the surface of the earth - there is a whole lot
more surface than that which is covered by people.
THEN use their own statement "since it is not soluble in water" to point
out that once evenly distributed over the surface of the earth - it is not
likely to enter the food chain due to insolubility!
Surely a CAREFUL reading will show many more such instances of "truths"
told in such a way as to totally mislead.
See then how your friend responds after just such a critical reading. This
method is at least none technical!