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Re: Saturn Probe Pu Power?
Perhaps I should have been more explicit. My friend does not have a
science background, he is studying at the University of Alberta, I think
doing a degree suitable for becoming a teacher. He has looked at the
address where more of this 'interesting stuff' resides, and has obviously
found it to be convincing. This is another example of the problem
involved in convincing the general public that this stuff is pure
paranoia. I'd like to think I could do that for him, and, as an
extension, perhaps the same information could be used more generally.
This web site is certainly well organized, and I know from past postings
here on radsafe that it is hardly unique. I could try to answer each
point on a 'point by point' basis, but I don't think I have enough
'credibility as an expert' to stand a chance of convincing him. Sorry,
the posts about fish, bowling balls and fertilization are cute, but they
won't work for such a person.
Address was: http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~icousin/
Thanks again. Perhaps someone from NASA is on here who could answer?
Chris Davey
RSO Cross Cancer Institute 11560 University Avenue
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 1Z2
(403)432-8616 fax 432-8615 email cdavey@med.phys.ualberta.ca