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rad leak in upstate NY? -Reply -Reply
Your memory serves you pretty well David. I seem to recall
total noble gas releases on the order of 1,000,000 Ci ... and
radioiodine releases (predominantly I-131) of about 12 Ci.
Maximum offsite "whole body" dose to an individual was
calculated to be less than 100 mrem. Does that sound
familiar folks?
Jim Hardeman, Manager
Environmental Radiation Program
Environmental Protection Division
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
4244 International Parkway, Suite 114
Atlanta, GA 30354
(404) 362-2675 fax: (404) 362-2653
>>> David Richards <richardd@myapc.com> 05/12/97 10:30
Also, you may want to think about your "no leak or release"
statement about TMI. I seem to remember hearing and
reading about quite a lot of noble gases being released from
the site during and after the incident. I can't recall anything
specific about halogens but I'm sure someone out there
knows a lot more than me about it. (I was one of the few HP's
in the industry at the time who DID NOT go there. Never quite
figured out if that was good or bad for me.)