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Analysis Labs for residual radioactivity
- Subject: Analysis Labs for residual radioactivity
- From: "Augusto A Cordova 695-2737 (Fa"@usa.dupont.com (Fa"
- Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 13:56:33 -0500 (EST)
- A1-Type: MAIL
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- Mr-Received: by mta ESVX19; Relayed; Mon, 12 May 1997 13:57:43 -0500
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- Posting-Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 13:57:00 -0500 (EST)
- Priority: normal
- Ua-Content-Id: B131ZWVLJYF4Z
- X400-Mts-Identifier: [;34753121507991/1120957@ESVAX]
I am seeking an analytical laboratory capable of analyzing incinerator
ash for the presence of H-3, C-14 and S-35. The lab needs to be able to meet
the detection limits provided by the NRC for unrestricted release of
incinerator ash (H-3: 220 dpm/gm; C-14: 6.6 dpm/gm; S-35: 220 dpm/gm). The lab
used previously, Controls for Environmental Pollution, Inc., (CEP) recently
went out of business. CEP chemically separated carbon and sulfur from the ash
in order to distinguish between the beta emissions due to S-35 and C-14.
Analysis requires determination of Minimal Detectable Activity (MDA)
and Recovery for the particular method use and the radionuclide; this includes
the following QA/QC features: lab spike, matrix blank, matrix spike.
I would appreciate any information on analytical laboratories capable
of the above analysis. Since this is a request of limited interest to the
RADSAFE community please do not respond directly through RADSAFE. Instead
contact me by phone, fax or e-mail as shown below. Thank you.
Augusto Cordova
Radiation Safety Officer
DuPont Experimental Station
P.O. Box 80272
Wilmington, DE 19880-0272
e-mail: cordova@a1.esvax.umc.dupont.com
phone: (302) 695-2737
fax: (302) 695-8489