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RE: Atmospheric Dispersion Models...
There are Gaussian plume models, puff models, similarity models, box
models, urban models, gradient transport models and statistical models
(monte carlo). Take your pick. However, most of the atmospheric models
out there are Gaussian Plume models and depending what you are trying to
do the Gaussian plume will usually suffice. It is by far the most
accepted and used model. Quite a few commercial outfits have codes out
there that do Gaussian modelling and dose calculations for atmospheric
releases and I am sure they will be happy to sell you one.
If you are looking for codes for compliance to EPA regs, the list that
Barry put up is good. If you're on a tight budget (like most of us),
the place to look is the RSIC code library at ORNL. You can search them
online at http://epicws.epm.ornl.gov/rsic.html. They have a fairly good
list and they are cheap (typically a couple hundred dollars).
If you are doing reactor licensing stuff in the U.S. then XOQDOQ is
XOQDOQ also has some descendants such as PAVAN which complies with RG
1.145. Depending on what you are trying to do GASPAR and LADTAP II are
useful for normal emission calculations. We use PAVAN and XOQDOQ
occassionally and have found that there are not that user friendly. It
takes a little while to get used to them. We've had people out here
have to call up the NRC for clarification of some things like the
elevations to use for windspeeds. However, once you get the hang of
them, production runs are fairly easy. Buying them is good value for
money I expect that the NRC would not question the use XOQDOQ, PAVAN
etc. for reactor licensing calculations. If you prefer to write your
own, the models that are used and given in the standards and guides are
fairly simple and can easily be coded up in spreadsheets if you suffer
from Fortran phobia. I know people have coded up RG 1.111 and Rg1.145
quite sucessfully in spread sheets.
If you look up North in Canada there are some atmospheric dispersion
models that are used for emergency preparedness. Environment Canada has
a nice real time model. I know AECL has a real time model that combine
measurements with model to give dose predictions around a site. For
licensing calculations there are numerous codes up here that satisfy
Canadian standards on atmospheric dispersion for normal operations and
accident conditions. If you want to go international then you would
undoubtedly hear of COSYMA, used extensively by EU countries.
The choices are many. What type of uses are you thinking about?
Ricky Khaloo,
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.,
>From: Wes Van Pelt[SMTP:VanPeltW@IDT.NET]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 1997 10:29 AM
>To: Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: Re: Atmospheric Dispersion Models...
>browndr@nist.gov wrote:
>> Dear Radsafers,
>> I am looking to review a list of atmosheric dispersion models
>> currently in
>> use by the radiation safety community at-large. Please respond to me
>> directly with any codes you have had some experience with as well as
>> general comments related to them. A reference for purchase or
>> downloading
>> would be useful as well. Thanks for your assistance in advance.......
>> Regards,
>> Dave Brown, chp
>> NIST Reactor Health Physics
>> Gaithersburg, MD
>> 301-975-5810
>> browndr@nist.gov
>> ****The content of this message has not been reviewed or endorsed by
>> my
>> employer***
>Dave and All,
>I would be very interested in the responses to this post. I would
>suggest, therefore, responding to Radsafe.
>thanks, Wes
>Wesley R. Van Pelt, Ph.D., CIH, CHP KF2LG
>President, Van Pelt Associates, Inc.
>Consulting in radiological health and safety.