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Re[2]: Sandia Reactor Shutdown Coverup?
It is also interesting to consider that a copy of each ORPS Final
Report is required to be placed in each facility's public reading
room. Unless the details of the incident are UCNI or the report has
not been finalized, IFOE didn't look very hard for the ORPS report.
IFOE is an interesting bunch... I wouldn't characterize them as
necessarily anti-nuclear - they are, after all, mainly ex-DOE and/or
contractor employees. For a fee, they will do research for you into
any question you might have about DOE or related topics. I.E. IFOE is
a for-profit company and not a non-profit group...
Jeff King
US DOE Facility Representative
Savannah River Operations Office
(Of course, this message is my own and does not represent the opinions
of/or the DOE, etc...)
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Sandia Reactor Shutdown Coverup?
Author: capotte@sandia.gov at Mailhub
Date: 6/23/97 9:58 AM
Just an FYI on this. The reactor operators responsible were
effectively demoted and the management staff of the ACRR was changed
after this incident. The operators took it upon themselves to
withhold the information from management and were summarily punished.
This is typical anti-nuclear trash reporting, and they actually expect
you to pay for their newsletter!
Gus Potter
Sandia National Laboratories
(505) 844-2750
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Sandia Reactor Shutdown Coverup?
Author: ifoe@ifoe.com at hubsmtp
Date: 6/21/97 7:09 AM
<BASE HREF="http://www.ifoe.com/acrrcovr.htm";>
<title>Sandia Reactor Shutdown Coverup?</title>
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<h3>Sandia Reactor Shutdown Coverup?</h3>
<p><img src="sandscr1.gif" align=left hspace=0 width=327 height=423>Want to know
more about what Federal
agencies are doing, to protect you, and the
environment during cleanup of <strong>nuclear
weapons production facilities</strong>, the
operation of <strong>nuclear power plants</strong>, and
other uses of r<strong>adioactive materials</strong>? </p>
<p>Check our <a href="http://www.ifoe.com/index.html";>IFOE Home Page</a>, <a
href="http://www.ifoe.com/CATALOG/CATALOG.HTM";>Catalog</a> and
<a href="http://www.ifoe.com/nwslttoc.htm";>Newsletter</a>. </p>
<p>We report on signifcant events and issues at
<strong>DOE</strong> operated facilities, licensed <strong>NRC</strong>
sites, and <strong>DNFSB</strong> oversight activities. We
have a catalog of documents, obtained from
these agencies, including <strong>Inspector
General Findings</strong>, <strong>Site Representatives'
Reports</strong>, I<strong>nternal Safety Inspections</strong> and
<strong>Appraisals</strong>, Contractor <strong>Safety Analysis
Reports (SAR)</strong> and <strong>DOE Safety
Evaluation Reports (SER)</strong>. Most of these
documents have <strong>NOT</strong> been made available
to the Public until now!</p>
<p><b><i>(See commentary below) </i></b></p>
<p><b>See the</b><b><i> </i></b><a
href="http://www.ifoe.com/nwslttoc.htm";><b>Tables of Contents</b></a><b><i>
</i></b><b>of our Newsletters.</b></p>
<p><b>Browse or Search the </b><a
<p><b>Let us know how we can help you. Send us an </b><a
<p><b>SANDIA PEARL HARBOR ANNIVERSARY EVENT</b> - Last month we reported that a
December 7, 1996, <b>scram at the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) went
unreported to Sandia Laboratory management for 10 days</b>, and that the
Laboratory issued a
press release on the event some seven weeks thereafter. Also reported was the
destruction of records of the event, and an investigation by the DOE enforcement
staff. </p>
<p>Since that report, IFOE requested a copy of the occurrence report that should
have been filed by
Sandia for the DOE Occurrence and Reporting System (ORPS). IFOE was informed
that <b>the
information in the ORPS was considered "proprietary"</b>. </p>
<p>In addition, IFOE researched the records available in the DOE Public Document
Room for
information on what the Secretary (or Acting Secretary) was told about the
event. The only
available information that was found were daily event reports to the Secretary
(or Acting
Secretary). No information on the December 7 scram was identified for the months
of December,
January, February and the middle of March. Moreover, no information on any
events at Sandia
were reported for about 100 consecutive days during the same period. </p>
<p>Check our <a href="http://www.ifoe.com/index.html";>IFOE Home Page</a>, <a
href="http://www.ifoe.com/CATALOG/CATALOG.HTM";>Catalog</a> and <a
<p>© 1997 Information Focus on Energy</p>