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FEMA Calibration Source Available
A gentleman that works for the Montana State Disaster Services in Helena
has asked that I post this announcement. He has available a calibration
source that was transferred to him a number of years ago by FEMA
(originally "owned" by the Army Office of Civil Defense). It is a
cesium-137 source, and the source activity is approximately 87 - 90 Curies
(originally 130 Ci). He says that FEMA will not at present cough up the
$25,000 "decommissioning fee" (their term for what I assume are disposal
costs) that they've been quoted. Hence, he's looking to donate the source
to a properly licensed entity in need of such a device.
Anyone interested should contact me privately.
-Erick Lindstrom
Erick Lindstrom
Radiation Safety Officer
309 Montana Hall
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-0244
Phone: (406) 994-2108
Fax: (406) 994-4792
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formal education positively fortifies it! - Stephen Vizinczey