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Fwd: NRPB Publications

Forwarded message:
From:	margaret.erskine@nrpb.org.uk (Margaret Erskine)
To:	Ccja@aol.com
Date: 97-07-10 17:31:43 EDT

Dear Mr Alston
We have received your enquiry about obtaining NRPB reports.

These publications are priced, and most of our customers use the NRPB 
retail outlet for publications, the Stationery Office (P O Box 276, 
London, SW8 5DT, fax 0171-873-8200, e-mail book.enquiries@theso.co.uk).
SO does have an agent in  America: Unipub, 4611/F Assemby Drive, Lanham,
MD 20706-4391.

If you wish to order directly from NRPB, we can only handle orders 
that are accompanied by payment.  We will accept payment in currencies 
other than British Sterling, but charge an extra =A36.00 to cover our 
banking costs.

Please let me know if you have any further queries.

Margaret Erskine