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RE: Measuring the uniformity of an elect

For the question at hand the Fuji system might not be useful because they
are too sensitive, i.e., can see background level doses.  The question
related to high dose electron processing.

Does Fuji have an 'insensitive' / high dose system?

>I suggest you investigate the use of image plates made by Fuji. They
>are=20 becoming widely used in synchrotron radiation studies. They do not
>need any=
>power etc. during exposure. They are around 25cm x 20cm and are read
>out=20 digitally. You might have to use a metal foil to convert elctrons
>to=20 photons.

>E-mail me for more details

>Roy Ryder

>Daresbury Laboratory

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and do not represent any past, current, or future
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NBSR Health Physics
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301 975-5810