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><p> <font size=+0>Dear Radsafers,</font>
><p> <font size=+0>Does anyone has an idea what should be the minimum time
>    I-131 Thyroid ablation</font><font size=+0> Treatment and pregnancy.
The question
>    refers only to radiation protection of the fetus.</font>
><p> <font size=+0>Any information will be welcomed.</font>
><p> <font size=+0>Thanks,</font>
><p> <font size=+0></font>
><p> <font size=+0>Moshe Levita</font>
><p> <font size=+0>Tel-Aviv Medical Center</font>
><p> <font size=+0>Israel</font> 
><pre>----------------------------------------------<br>From  : Moshe
Levita&lt;mlevita@netvision.net.il&gt;<br>Date  : 07/18/97,Time: 18:41:02 ,
ICQ # 523720<br>----------------------------------------------</pre>
><pre> </pre>
>Advice in publications may vary from a few months to as many as 6 months.
I think that ICRP 52 suggested 6 months.   But I  this may be  too cautious. 

I would the advance the following points for consideration: 

1. 	How long for patients whole body dose to fall to acceptable levels?
Assume an effective half life of X days up to 8                      and
that Y half lives have elapsed.

2.	Allow a margin for egg cells in a state of division at time of treatment
to be shed say Z menstrual cycles.

3.	 Allow time for the potential mother to be Euthyroid.  After all there
should be reduced fertility in throtoxic women                          and
zero fertility in hypothyroid women.

4.              If  the subject is a male, say time for stored sperm to be

So it would seem to me that any time after 3 - 6 months would be
appropriate.  Empirivally I do not recall reading about any pregnany
problems related to prior 1-131 therapy in either parent. 
Ivor Surveyor
Ivor Surveyor
Emeritus Consultant Physician, Nuclear Medicine. 
E-mail:    isurveyor@vianet.net.au