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> Radsafers,
> I would like to ask a couple of questions about radiation safety staffing at
> academic PET facilities that operate cyclotrons to produce their own
> radiopharmaceuticals (18F and others).  If you are able to assist, please
> reply privately to my email address fegallag@uci.edu.
> The questions are:
> What is the workload?
>      __8___ Ave. # of times per week that the cyclotron is operated to
> produce PET radionuclides.
>We produce FDG every morning for clinical patients and almost every 
afternoon for H2 15O for research.

> How much radiation safety staffing is provided to the PET facility?
>      __1___ FTE health physicists.
>      __0___ FTE health physics technicians. 
> Who provides the staff to perform routine radiation safety duties?
>      __X___ Central radiation safety office/section.
>      _____ Operating department (e.g., nuclear medicine/radiology/etc.).
> If the staffing is provided by the central radiation safety office, how is
> the funding provided?
>      _____ Directly out of radiation safety funds.
>      _____ Directly by the operating department.
>      _____ By recharge to the operating department.
>      _____ Not applicable.
The hospital is charged an overall fee for Rad.Safety support by the 
University RSOffice and the cyclotron and PET is included.

> Please comment on how well your arrangement works, and whether or not the
> radiation safety staffing information includes any time devoted to the
> operation of the facility (such as running, or performing maintenance on,
> the cyclotron).
 As the hospital RSO, I provide staff training and record keeping 
reviews of clinical and research records for the PET Center and the 
cyclotron in addition to basic health physics support.

Feel free to contact me directly if you need any more information or 
clarification:  ckrieman@ehso.emory.edu

> Thanks very much for your assistance.

Christine Krieman, MS
Associate Radiation Safety Officer
Emory University Hospital
Emory University School of Medicine
1462 Clifton Road
Suite 312
Atlanta, GA 30322
(404) 712-7867
(404) 712-7435 FAX