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Re: an ethical issue?
Since you asked for other people's opinions, here is my advice to you.
Second, do something useful with your time.
>Sohei Kondo, in his book, Health Effects Of Low-Level Radiation, Chapter
>2, page 22; Medical Physics Publishing, Madison WI. 1993, states that
>"According to the IAEA 100,000-200,000 excess abortions were performed
>throughout western Europe after the Chernobyl accident."
>He cites Ketchum, LE, Lessons of Chernobyl: SNM members try to
>decontaminate world threatened by fallout. Part 1 [Newsline]. J. Nucl.
>Med., 28, 413-422, 1987 as the source of this data.
>In the August issue of Health Physics, 73(2), 378-382, there is a note
>by Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Lars Persson titled "Ethical Issues in
>Radiation Protection."
>Curiously they make no mention of these abortions.
>I wonder if they do not see an abortion, induced by fear of radiation
>exposure, as an ethical issue.
>It seems to me that it is.
>Such fear of course arises from the official ICRP/NCRP position that
>there is no threshold for radiation induced cancer and teratogenesis.
>I wonder what opinions others may have on this matter?
>H.Wade Patterson
>1116 Linda Lane
>Lakeview OR 97630
>ph 541 947-4974