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Yperwatch - radiation measuring watch???

I received a personal reply in response to my posting the article on
the VA radiation tests. I checked out the website. Interesting
layout. What is very interesting is what is found on the technical
data sheet. If this device actually did what it says it can, it
surpasses the performance of the Electronic Personnel Dosimeter. I
doubt some of the claims though.. Here are just a few:

Display: Radioactivity Rateds: 0.001 mrem/h to 999,999 mrem/h or
0.00001 mSv to 9.99999 mSv/h
 Display: Cumulative Dose: 0.1 mrem to 99999,9 mrem or 0.001 mSv to
Accuracy: ± 10% from calibration point, ± 20% over total Range
Linearity: ± 20% (with the exception of the first decade)
Statistical Deviation: appr. 12.5%
Saturation: Indication if above Range
Energy Range: from 60 KeV to 1.2 MeV

Anybody have any data on this watch? Any comments? Usually what seems
too good to be true is exactly that!

This is the URL fot the site:


Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Office: (800) 548-5100 x2306
Fax:    (714) 668-3149


ICN Dosimetry Website:
http://www.dosimetry.com (~ July 27)

Personal Homepage:

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the mouth, is to close it again on something solid"
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