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Re: coal fly ash radionuclide

This is from the DOE/RW-0006, Rev 12
Integrated Data Base Report -1995; US Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive
Waste Inventories, Projections adn Charateristics

Fly Ash

Nuclide      Activity (pCi/g)
U-238		2.6
U-235		0.13
U-234		2.6
Pa-231		0.13
Th-232		1.7
Th-230		1.8
Th-228		2.6
Ac-227		0.13
Ra-228		1.4
Ra-226		3.0
Po-210		5.6
Pb-210		5.4
Total         27.1

This assumes a 80 wt% of the concentration of fly ash, and is based on a
EPA Report Diffuse NORM Wastes-Waste Characterization and Preliminary
Assessment, Draft REA-9232/1-2 1993

Hope this helps,

Bruce Busby