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Re: Wanted - a simple way to detect x-rays
> Does any one have a simple electronic circuit using off the self
> diodes to detect x-rays? I also thought a photodiode and a phosphor
> might work.
it depends on what you want to detect.
To simply detect x-rays in radiography you could connect a photodiode
(e.g. BPW34 with around 300kOhm in parallel) to an oscilloscope (typ.
1 MOhm // a few pF input impedance) without any other circuitry and
view the photovoltaic response. You will not get much more information
than 'existance' and duration of the x-ray pulse.
Measurement of ionization current could be also done with a
PIN-photodiode and an op amp in a current-to-voltage circuit. Samples
for and discussion of such circuits (noise, bandwidth) is available
amongst others in application notes and data sheets from Burr-Brown
(http://www.burr-brown.com) or Analog Devices (http://www.analog.com). E.g.
You could ask your local representative for the 'Applications
Handbook' from Burr-Brown in which this type of opamp circuit is
discussed. For a BPW34 (about 7 mm2 sensitive area and 0.3 mm
thickness of the depletion layer at around 30 V bias) you could
expect something like 100 nA per R/s.
Besides direct ionization in the photodiode you could also
use scintillators but the respose of Si-diodes in the blue and
UV-region drops fast, so one should rather go for green or even red
For the detection of single x-ray photons PIN-photodiodes used at room
temperature are suitable with some limitations for energy dispersive
measurements (low counting efficiency, resolution above 2 keV at 60
keV photon energy). Then one has to use common electronics for photon
spectrometry (charge sensitive preamp, shaping amp, multichannel
analyser, etc.).
Robert Nowotny
Univ.Doz. Dr. Robert Nowotny<R.Nowotny@BMTP.AKH-Wien.ac.at>
Institut f. Biomed. Technik und Physik, Univ. Wien
AKH-4L, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-40400-1988; Fax: +43-1-40400-3988