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Analysis of Fly-ash samples(from Thermal Power Stations)

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Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 18:00:29 -0500 (GMT)
From: <muthu@veccal.veccal.ernet.in>
To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Subject: Analysis of Fly-Ash sample from Thermal Power Stations.
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Dear radsafers,
		Could anybody help me in getting the details about
counting and analysis( both quantitative & qualitative of radionuclides)
of the fly-ash samples (generated from thermal power stations). Also I
want to know the intervention levels. Any information related is welcome.
The information can be posted in radsafe listing or can be mailed to me.

With Thanks,

R. Ravishankar.

Health Physics Unit,
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
1/AF, Bidhan Nagar,
Calcutta 700 064.

e-mail : rravi@veccal.ernet.in
