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Fwd: Announcing ER/WM Worker Exposure Symposium - 9/10-12/97
A collegue asked me to post this announcement.
Kurt Myers
GTS Duratek
E-mail: kmyers@gtsduratek.com
FAX: 412/327-8189
Phone: 412/733-1900
>X-Sender: rapi_x83@cosmail4.ctd.ornl.gov
>Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 12:03:36 -0400
>To: z4v@cosmail4.ctd.ornl.gov
>From: rapic@ornl.gov (RAPIC)
>Subject: Announcing ER/WM Worker Exposure Symposium - 9/10-12/97
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Title: Monitoring, Tracking, and Understanding of Worker Exposure to
> Hazardous Substances During Environmental Restoration
> & Waste Management Activities
>Dates: September 10-12, 1997
>Location: Columbia Inn, Columbia, MD (30 minutes from Baltimore)
>Cost: No registration fee assessed
>Contact: Dr. Martin Edelson, Ames Laboratory
>Phone: 515/294-4987
>Fax: 515/294-1230
>E-Mail: edelson@ameslab.gov
>The DOE Laboratory Directors' Environmental and Public/Occupational Health
>Standards Steering Group (SSG) and the DOE Office of Environmental Health
>announce a symposium, "Monitoring, Tracking, and Understanding of Worker
>Exposure to Hazardous Substances During Environmental Restoration & Waste
>Management Activities."
>The objective of this symposium is to provide information about recent
>advances in the monitoring, recording, tracking, and analysis of worker
>exposures during environmental restoration and waste management(ER/WM)
>activities. In addition, gaps in science and technology in these areas
>will be identified and worker/stakeholder concerns will be discussed.
>The symposium will be held at the Columbia Inn in Columbia, MD on September
>10-12, 1997. To facilitate increased participation, there will be no
>registration fee. Daily sessions will begin at 8:30 AM. Both continental
>breakfast (at 8 AM) and lunch will be provided to all registered attendees.
>A reception will be held at 6 PM at the Columbia Inn on September 10, 1997.
>A video recording will be prepared of the symposium; extended abstracts of
>papers along with summaries of the panel discussions will be posted on the
>SSG Web Site to provide broad dissemination of the symposium findings.
>The Columbia Inn has reserved a block of rooms at $94/night for meeting
>attendees. This rate is guaranteed until August 22, 1997. Please call
>410-730-3900 or 1-800-638-2817 and refer to the "Exposure Symposium" to
>reserve rooms at this rate. Shuttle service to the hotel is available from
>the Baltimore Airport at an approximate cost of $16. About 30 minutes
>should be allotted for the trip.
>Space will be provided to technology providers (on a space available basis)
>to demonstrate their products during the meeting.
>For additional information about the symposium, please contact Dr. Martin
>Edelson by telephone (515/294-4987) or e-mail (edelson@ameslab.gov).
>If you plan to attend, please contact Dr. Edelson before August 29, 1997.
>Please indicate whether or not you plan to attend the reception on the
>evening of September 10. The hotel needs the exact number of attendees.
>Program managers and others who need to understand and act on worker
>exposure information and stay current with the state-of-the-art in this
>field. Industrial hygienists, health physicists and site managers who
>oversee ER/WM operations. Technology developers and scientists interested
>in gaps in instrumentation and knowledge. Regulators who require better
>knowledge of current science and technology. ER/WM workers and their
>representatives who need to stay abreast of current developments to ensure
>their occupational health protection. Stakeholders interested in the
>exposure of both their communities and ER/WM workers to hazardous substances.
>To ensure objectivity, the symposium will include participation from
>regulators, scientists, the regulated communities, labor, and interested
>stakeholders. The following organizations were represented on the
>organizing committee:
> Ames Laboratory - USDOE
> Brookhaven National Laboratory - USDOE
> DOD (Office of Safety and Occupational Health Policy)
> EPA Emergency Response Team
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - USDOE
> Los Alamos National Laboratory - USDOE
> Iowa Department of Natural Resources
> MidAmerican Energy Company
> Physicians for Social Responsibility
> US Air Force (Brooks Air Force Base)
>An additional opportunity to gain new insights will be offered during the
>meeting when members of the audience will be asked to form an ad hoc panel
>to focus on topics that they feel have not received sufficient attention or
>have been ignored by the conference organizers. The names of the panelists
>will be announced on the first day of the meeting so that other attendees
>can bring their comments, complaints, etc. to the panel's attention during
>the course of the symposium. The audience panel will report on the last day
>of the meeting (see agenda, below).
> September 10, 1997
>The Symposium will be opened by Mr. M. Mathamel, the Associate Deputy
>Assistant Secretary for Environmental Health.
>The first day of the meeting will include plenary lectures on the following
> "Worker Concerns/Historical Perspectives"
> "The DOE EM Worker Health and Safety Program (tentative)
>and panel sessions devoted to the following topics:
> "When do we monitor the site worker and why?"
> "Assessment of current worker monitoring practices."
>Confirmed participation includes representatives from OSHA, the legal
>profession, the EPA, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, the DOE national
>laboratories, the DOE, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Laborers'
>Health and Safety Fund.
>A panel will be constituted from the meeting audience at the end of the
>first day's session. Panelists will be identified and asked to represent
>the views of meeting attendees in a presentation during the last day of the
>A reception will be held at 6 PM at the Columbia Inn.
>September 11, 1997
>This day will include plenary lectures devoted to the following themes:
> "Current exposure assessment technology"
> "Assessment of radiation exposure monitoring technology"
> "Real-world Exposure"
> "Tracking Exposure"
>and a panel session:
> "Interpreting and Applying the Data."
>Confirmed participation includes representatives from NIOSH, EPA, OSHA, the
>US Air Force, the DOE laboratories, and the Iowa Department of Natural
>September 12, 1997
>The symposium will have a half-day program on September 12, 1997 ending at
>1:30 PM. Two panel sessions will be included during the morning.
> "What does the future hold in store?"
> This panel session has confirmed participation from the NY State
>Laborers Health and Safety Fund, OSHA, and the Physicians for Social
>Responsibility. Additional representation will be sought from DOE,the EPA,
>and the technology development community. This panel will be asked to
>broadly discuss topics ranging from new developments in technology relevant
>to worker exposure monitoring to the impact of new legislation and
>privatization on worker monitoring during ER/WM.
> "The Audience's Turn"
> This session is a unique opportunity for the audience to present its
>views formally to the symposium organizers and have them included in the
>symposium record.
> There will also be a plenary lecture addressing the theme:
> "Accidental Exposure - Do ER/WM activities contribute to community or
>non-worker exposures?"
>The symposium will conclude with a presentation on behalf of the SSG from
>Dennis Berry (Sandia National Laboratories), the DOE Laboratory Directors
>Environmental and Public/Occupational Health Standards Steering Group
Troy Eshleman
GTS Duratek, Inc.
P.O. Box 179
901 18th Street, Suite 215
Los Alamos, NM 87544
phone: (505) 662-1329
fax: (505) 661-9699
NOTE: please send all future e-mails to: eshleman@gtsduratek.com