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Re: Luminescence and LSCs
Thank you for the "clear and concise" description of your counter.
Although I have seen and used many different brands of counters (some
obviously better than others), - as you noted, I have only "read the
literature" and "spoken with salesman" about the Quantulus and have not had
the pleasure of using one myself. It sounds like it would be an interesting
counter to use. However, I am stuck with what I have, finances being what
they are (and happy with the results) so am unlikely to change brands at
this time.
It seems like - all sales people say "we were first" and so "we are
the best". I guess we all have to wade through the volumes of "hype" and
come up with our own solutions/conclusions.
Thank you for not taking my prior comments personally,
Joel T. Baumbaugh (baumbaug@nosc.mil)
Naval Research and Development (NRaD)
San Diego, CA., U.S.A.
The content of this message has not been reviewed or endorsed by my employer
(the U.S. Navy), the Federal government or my supervisors.