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Thyroid dose limit
Hi radsafers,
Regulatory dose limits (applied to doses to the public) are set in order to
limit stochastic effects to an acceptable level. If one wishes to apply this
limit to a particular organ, one may divide the dose limit by the tissue
weighting factor of the given organ.
Applying to the thyroid for example : Dose limit = 1 mSv ===> thyroid
weighing Factor = 0.05 (ICRP 60) =====>
Dose limit for thyroid (stochastic effects) = 20 mSv
This applies only to stochastic effects. As regards deterministic effects,
what is the equivalent dose that can cause such an effect in the thyroid.
In other words, does the dose limit for effective dose provides a protection
against deterministic effects in tissues and organs ?
Jean-Michel MURE
DSU/SR/Radiological Protection and Environmental Surveillance
Parc de la Croix Blanche
1-7, rue Jean Monnet
Tel : (1) 46 11 83 74
Fax : (1) 46 11 80 13
Email : jm.mure@andra.fr