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Brookhaven National Lab
This is being forwarded for Friends of BNL, an ad-hoc group of scientists,
engineers, union folks, etc ...
In <E0x6GfH-0006oT-00@users.buoy.com>, on 09/03/97 at 10:44 AM,
Friends of BNL <fob@users.buoy.com> said:
>Yesterday, (Tuesday, Sept. 2), Congressman Forbes and Senator D'Amato
>introduced legislation in both houses to permanently shut down the High
>Flux Beam Reactor at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
>This action short-circuits a process which is already underway to
>determine whether or not the HFBR should restart. The current process
>includes input from experts and the local community and will take into
>account the value of HFBR research as well as environmental and safety
>Friends of Brookhaven, Brookhaven Scientists Association, and the BNL Retired
>Employees Association, are protesting this legislation with a petition
>which was circulated today at lunchtime (wednesday Sept. 3) at
>Berkner cafeteria. Over 600 signed petitions will be delivered to Congressman
>Forbes' office during a rally there tomorrow.
>If the HFBR is shut down, any one of the other major scientific
>facilities at BNL may be the next target.
>A copy of the petition is available at the Friends of Brookhaven web
>site, http://www.buoy.com/~fob/)
>Friends Of Brookhaven
Be happy and connect!
kaplan@bnl.gov [Ed Kaplan (516) 344-2007 (voice)/5810 (fax)] Brookhaven
National Laboratory