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Re: Newspaper article on Plutonium

The incidence of testicular cancer and of leukemia and malignant nmelanoma
have been increasing as has prostate cancer.  Although smoking is the
principal cause of lung cancer, it is not the only relevant exposure;
asbestos, arsenic, radiation, and coke oven emissions are among other
recognized exposures.      John Goldsmith, M.D., M.P.H.
                           Professor of Epidemiology
                           Goldman School of Medicine, 
                           Ben Gurion University of the Negev
                           Beer Sheva, Israel

On Mon, 15 Sep 1997, Bernard L Cohen wrote:

> On Mon, 15 Sep 1997, Brian Gaulke wrote:
> > It's my understanding that the incidence rates of many types of cancer have 
> > increased significantly over the last few decades.  To my knowledge no 
> > satisfactory explanations have been found.  Under these circumstances how 
> > meaningful is it to say "no increase in stochastic effects have ever been 
> > detected or reported among the peoples of the world from this event"?  How can 
> > a contribution from fallout, including plutonium, be ruled out?
> 	There has *NOT* been an increase in age-adjusted cancer rates with
> the exception of lung cancer which, it is universally agreed, was due to
> increased smoking. I believe ACSH has a booklet on this subject.