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Re: Newspaper article on Plutonium
On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, John Goldsmith wrote:
> The incidence of testicular cancer and of leukemia and malignant nmelanoma
> have been increasing as has prostate cancer. Although smoking is the
> principal cause of lung cancer, it is not the only relevant exposure;
> asbestos, arsenic, radiation, and coke oven emissions are among other
> recognized exposures. John Goldsmith, M.D., M.P.H.
> On Mon, 15 Sep 1997, Bernard L Cohen wrote:
> > There has *NOT* been an increase in age-adjusted cancer rates with
> > the exception of lung cancer which, it is universally agreed, was due to
> > increased smoking. I believe ACSH has a booklet on this subject.
--What I meant to say was that if you discount lung cancer, there
has not been an increase in age-adjusted total cancers.