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Cassini (Radio interview of Michio Kaku)

     Michio Kaku will be interviewed tonight (9/24) on the Art Bell talk
     radio show.  I'm sure the topic will be Cassini (what else?).

     It's a late night show, starting at 11:00 PM Mountain Time. Here is
     the contact information, if you wish to provide another viewpoint.

     Copied from http://www.artbell.com  (several places)
     I believe this site also has a list of radio stations carrying the

     E-Mail: artbell@aol.com
     Fax Number: 702-727-8499 (24 hrs.)

     Call-in lines
     Western US: 800-618-8255 (toll free)
     Eastern US: 800-825-5033 (toll free)
     First time caller: 702-727-1222
     Wild card line: 702-727-1295 (anyone can call)

     When you hear someone answer the phone, its Art and you're on the air!

     Be ready to turn down your radio as soon as Art answers to avoid the
     echo created by the 6-second delay of the broadcasted audio and your

     You are allowed to call in only once per show and please don't give
     your last name. There is no screening of calls and if you call in on
     the wrong line Art will nicely cut you off. It most likely will take a
     long number of rings before your line is picked up but this is saving
     you long distance charges on the toll lines.


     Dave Neil