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S Safety
C Control
R Rod
A Ax
M Man

Comes from the first reactor where they had a guy standing there with an
ax to cut the rope holding the rods up out of the critical core.  Boy,
technology has come leaps and bounds since then and it has only be about
50 years!

 __  __ _         _   _       _
|  \/  (_)       | \ | |     | |            Rebecca Lee Steinman
| \  / |_ ___ ___|  \| |_   _| | _____     
| |\/| | / __/ __| . ` | | | | |/ / _ \     University of Michigan
| |  | | \__ \__ \ |\  | |_| |   <  __/     Nuc. Eng. & Rad. Science
|_|  |_|_|___/___/_| \_|\__,_|_|\_\___|
E-Mail:	missnuke@umich.edu
WWW:	http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~missnuke