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Re: Tracking of Radiation Exposure in Bomb Work is Questioned

We here in the hinterlands barely know what the New York Times is (I think
it's about 2 hours later than ours), let alone having read it or this
article so soon.  However, that will not keep me from commenting!!
Considering some of the earlier remarks concerning the author, he may be
calling attention to the obvious.  In DOE/ERDA/AEC activities, it was the
practice NOT to sum them together; the requirement to add internal and
external exposures did not become effective until January 1, 1989.  Both
internal and external were monitored and recorded prior to that time, but
were not added together.  Both were available to the employee.  If you ask
for a history, you will get both exposure pathways, but you are only
required to get the "Cumulative Total Effective Dose Equivalent ... from
external and internal sources" for employment since 1/1/89, per 10 CFR

Paul E. Ruhter